Social Solidarity Economy Recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

List of organizations and networks, julho 2014

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The organizations listed below would like to share a set of recommendations for the post-2015 Development Agenda with the United Nations Offices and the Representatives of various States. These recommendations are based on the collaborative and mutual help practices of social solidarity economy initiatives and other organizations.

We wish to collectively express our deep concerns about the four High Level Reports presented to the Executive Secretary Ban Ki-moon, and about his proposal presented during the 68th General Assembly in September 2013 on the occasion of a special event on the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals. We believe that the proposals fail to properly address the enormous challenges which humankind is facing, given the multiple systemic global crises that result from the prevailing economic model of neoliberalism that has dominated our world in recent decades.

We recommend that Governments adopt the recommendations available in the United Nations Non- Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) report “Advancing Regional Recommendations on the Post- 2015 Development Agenda”. This report was based on the outcomes of a thorough consultation with several Networks and Movements on 5 continents, and was officially handed to the UN State Members by the President of the 68th session of the General Assembly on September 25, 2013 (more information at We also endorse the policy briefs produced from this report.

The proposals that follow are based on some of these recommendations (with amendments). They are viewed by the Social Solidarity Economy movement as being crucial to enabling a real paradigm shift in the development model, and they are based on existing practice. The Social Solidarity Economy is part of the answer that is needed today, and thus must be adequately recognized and supported. The recommendations are organized in 4 axes: 1 – Indicators to measure poverty, inequality, development and material and immaterial well being; 2 – Transitioning to a Fair, Social and Solidarity Economy; 3 – Adopting a human rights-based approach to development; and 4 – Participation and transparency in international instances/processes.