Public policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards a favourable environment. The case of the Philippines.

Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., 2015

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Summary :

On the world stage, the term Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is increasingly being used to refer to a sector of economic activities that is expanding rapidly. SSE organizations are distinguished by values such as inclusiveness, equity and sustainability.

In the Philippines, for several decades, there have been numerous civil society organizations of various types that constitute the main actors in the SSE sector. The Philippine population is highly active in this sector, to the extent that 83% are members of some organization within this sector.

This paper deals with the political economy of the SSE by examining the influence of public policies on the production, distribution and consumption of resources by SSE organizations, on the one hand, and by analysing the contribution of SSE organizations to policy-making, on the other.

This paper concludes by identifying the challenges facing this sector, namely participation, autonomy and policy coherence, among others.

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