Jason Nardi

An advocate for social justice, ethical finance and communication rights, Jason Nardiis an active member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, has been organiser for Terra Futura (Italian yearly event on SSE with more than 50’000 participants) and has co-created Zoes.org – the first Italian social network for SSE. With a background on Communication and media (Princeton University, USA and a Master’s degree at the University of Florence), he has been director of the italian center of Oneworld.net – Unimondo (www.unimondo.org). He’s also a trainer on Solidarity Economy topics and co-founded Solidarius in Italy (solidarius.it), a research-consulting organisation to help develop solidarity economy networks, part of a Brasilian based international network (Solidarius.net).

One publication

2 pedagogical tools

4 Analyses/working papers/articles

22 articles